What We Believe

"What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." - A.W. Tozer

Core Beliefs

The following are the core beliefs of Reflecting Him Ministries based
on the foundational truths taught in the Bible. All of our teaching and ministry is rooted in and flows out of these Biblical doctrines.
We believe in a Triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We believe in God the Father, Omniscient and Omnipotent, the Maker of Heaven and Earth.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary,
crucified, dead, and buried for the forgiveness of our sins, Who rose again from the dead on the third day,
ascended into heaven, and sits at the right hand of the Almighty God, Who judges the living and dead,
Who intercedes for the saints.

We believe in the Holy Spirit, our Advocate, Helper, Comforter, and Teacher.

We believe that Jesus will come back for a unified bride, a holy Church.

We believe in the resurrection of the body and in life everlasting.

We believe in the inerrant Bible as the Word of God.

RHM is founded upon Isaiah 61, 2 Peter 1:2-11, 1 Thessalonians 5:23, Galatians 5:1, and Psalm 114