Special Communion Event

10 Days of Awe

(Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur)

September 7-16  8:00am-8:15am EDT
September 11-15 8:30pm-8:45pm EDT

A Yom Kippur Gathering for
Repentance, Restoration, and Realignment
with Communion

September 16  8:00 - 9:30pm EDT   &   September 17 8:00 - 9:30am EDT

Testimonies, Fellowship, and Communion

September 21 8:00-9:30pm EDT
In God’s timing, September 6th marks the Jewish New Year and begins a 10-day journey with God, a time when God’s people are asked to remember Him and reflect on their relationship with Him and one another. Come join us as  we continue our 8am and 8:30pm daily communions for the Ten Days of Awe and mark Yom Kippur with  our special communion gathering on September 16, 8pm-9:30pm EDT and experience repentance, restoration, and realignment.

To aid schedules, we will repeat this gathering on September 17, 8am-9:30am EDT.  We hope to see you all at either or both of these gatherings!

Our goals are to realign our hearts, paths, and purposes to God’s Heart, so He manifests Himself into areas where we have been stuck, so we step into this spiritual new year with a renewed freedom and Awe of God.

As a culmination and celebration of all God has done in our lives during the Days of Awe, join us on September 21, 8pm-9:30pm EDT for a time of sharing testimonies, revelations, and blessings of God.  We can’t wait!!

*** Join us for an optional 24 hour fast starting September 15 at sundown***

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Email: info@ReflectHim.org