Reflecting Him Ministries is a safe community where you can come just as you are, right where you are with the Lord and connect with both God and other believers heart to heart. A place where you can find healing for your body, mind, spirit, and emotions. A place of equipping, a place of empowerment, a place of love, and a place of encouragement.

We exist to come alongside those who seek to know God better and to walk in His ways, to be freed from the encumbrances of past traumas and life experiences. We believe that each one of us has an inheritance in Christ Jesus and the privilege to reflect Him, His Character, His Power, and His Authority. We rejoice at the opportunity to bring His Presence into every aspect of our lives so that we live the abundant, victorious lives that God designed for us. We cheer you on as you begin to walk in your God-given identity, pursuing the path of destiny that God has uniquely prepared for you.

We invite you to join us on our journey of becoming more and more like God, pursuing Him, being transformed into His image, reflecting His nature and the radiance of His glory to those around us (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Special Community Event

September 6 - 16  8:00 am - 8:15 am EST
September 6 - 9  &  11 - 16  8:30 pm - 8:45 pm EST
September 10  7:30 pm - 7:45 pm EST
 Join us for 15 minutes every day from September 6-16  as we spend time in community prayer and reflection, in personal introspection and repentance, searching our hearts to realign ourselves with God.  This is a time to recalibrate our lives, leaving behind what is dead and taking hold of what God has for us in the coming new year.  It is a time to draw near to God and to His throne of grace, because He promises that when we draw near to Him, He draws near to us, bestowing His mercy and grace in our lives (James 4:8, Hebrews 4:16).  This time period coincides with the Jewish observance of the Days of Awe, the ten days between the Jewish high holy days of Rosh Hashanah (the beginning of the Jewish New Year) and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).

There are five key ways our ministry supports your journey to Wholeness,
 so you reflect Him in every circumstance of your life.


when you can't stand, to walk with you when the road is hard, to cheer you on to the good future that God has for you


your wounded heart, your hurting body,
and your crushed spirit


as you pursue God, becoming more and more like Him, reflecting His nature and the radiance of His glory to those around you


mountain you may face, to shatter strongholds,
and to change destructive habits and mindsets


and wants to bless you. Receive God’s blessings of His Presence, your identity as His son and daughter, favor, prosperity, and purpose

Join us for communion


Every Friday 8:00 am - 8:15 am EST

Join us for 15 minutes as we share a teaching, prayer, and Communion. You will experience first-hand the blessing of God's Presence, the transforming power of His Word, and the limitless healing power of the Holy Spirit.

Our times together in Communion are times that we connect to God, setting trajectory and empowering us for the day ahead. They are personal times, set within community, in which we experience God’s Presence. During Communion God will begin to speak to our hearts about the things that we are dealing with in our lives

Ministry Hour

Every Friday 8:15 am - 9:15 am EST

Our Friday, 15-minute communions culminate with a longer community time on Friday, with a teaching and a challenge. We take what God has shown us during communion and apply it to the things we are dealing with in our lives.
We reflect on the things that God has been showing us throughout the week, support each other on our journeys of becoming like Him, experience inner healing for the things in life we’ve experienced that have imprisoned us and our families, and receive both encouragement and God’s empowerment so that we can come into our full identities in Christ, reflecting His will and purpose in our lives. It is a time when God speaks, we share, we pray for one another and God answers and heals.
On Fridays, you can expect to:
  • grow in your ability to hear God’s voice
  • grow in relationship with God and others
  • receive prayer and prophetic words
  • receive solutions and strategies for your life and relationships
  • receive physical or emotional healing
  • shed beliefs, mindsets, and traumas that have held you back in the past
  • hear testimonies and words of encouragement
  • be LOVED/receive unconditional love

Connect with us

To Join RHM Zoom Events  Meeting ID: 891 8465 7106 Passcode: joy
By phone: +1 929 436 2866 US (New York)
By email:

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