Passover Day 7

Apr 30, 2024    Amy Colglazier

What strongholds do you have in your life? So often we think of the strongholds of our failures, the stronghold of our weaknesses, and we forget that God is our stronghold of salvation and victory (Psalm 28:8). We are right in the middle of Pentecost, and Pentecost is this period of preparation, so the disciples were able to receive the Holy Spirit and empowerment to go. There are things He has called each one of us into. And so right now we have this beautiful time of preparation to bring us to another level of capacity to go forward into victory. But fear is this constant weapon of the enemy that gets in the way. So, in this recording, we are going to do a simple exercise that you may need to do in greater depth later. But this will give you some tools for the future. Now is a time to partake of the revelation and healing that God has prepared for each of us.


Activity with the Lord: Find a quiet place where you can be alone with the Lord and ask Him these two questions:

What is the greatest fear I have right now?

When did I first learn to be afraid of that?

In your mind's eye, go to that place the Lord showed you that you learned to be afraid, and see where the Lord is in the midst of that--the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit--all three--Once you have a sense of the Lord's Presence, ask Him what He wants you to know about that situation. Ask the Lord, "What did this situation make me feel about my identity?" Ask Him, "Who do You say that I am?"

Then choose a place that you can be really comfortable with the Lord--maybe a special place or in His lap or somewhere else. Once there, say to Him, "I'm sorry for all the ways I have submitted to the fear of (FILL IN THE BLANK). I'm sorry for any ways that I didn't believe that You were with me or that You were for me. I'm sorry that I took on the false identity of (FILL IN THE BLANK). I receive the identity that comes only from you. If you want, ask Him to tell you who you are again. God doesn't mind reassuring us. And let that just soak into you. And then, if it feels right in your heart, ask the Lord for help to believe that you are who He says that you are, and ask for new courage to step out into that identity.